In case you want to get more information out ouf your hue bridge:
Open your API debug website on your bridge:
This will bring you to:
Create user
To create a user fill the following fields:
Push the button "POST"
You will get an output like:
[{"success":{"username": "TSmirSrsdsfw3er-st4rs4rm0mns-j723rJz"}}]
Show config
Note this output as this is your valid username for the next actions.
Now you can use this created user "TSmirSrsdsfw3er-st4rs4rm0mns-j723rJz" to get more information out of your system like:
Push the button "GET"
Open your API debug website on your bridge:
This will bring you to:
CLIP API Debugger
Create user
To create a user fill the following fields:
/api/Message Body:
{"devicetype":"my_hue_app#iPhone Dr. No"}Push the button "POST"
You will get an output like:
[{"success":{"username": "TSmirSrsdsfw3er-st4rs4rm0mns-j723rJz"}}]
Show config
Note this output as this is your valid username for the next actions.
Now you can use this created user "TSmirSrsdsfw3er-st4rs4rm0mns-j723rJz" to get more information out of your system like:
/api/TSmirSrsdsfw3er-st4rs4rm0mns-j723rJzPush the button "GET"
Push the button "GET"
Delete a user
Delete a user