In case you can't login via ssh try this
ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
In case you can't login via ssh try this
ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
In case you can't mount your Buffalo NAS:
Make sure, your NAS is on SMB 2:
Run the program ACPCommander v1.5.6.0 to get SSH login to your buffalo
change /etc/init.d/
/usr/local/sbin/nas_configgen -c samba if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$0 configure fail" exit 1 fi
/usr/local/sbin/nas_configgen -c samba if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$0 configure fail" exit 1 fi /bin/sed -i '3i\\ min protocol = SMB2\\ max protocol = SMB2\\ ' /etc/samba/smb.conf
then reboot
at PVE:
pvesm add cifs NAS-04 --server IP_of_your_NAS --share backup --username backup --password <yourPasswordhere> --smbversion 2.0
In case you have to update your FreePBX
yum upgrade -y fwconsole ma upgradeall fwconsole chown fwconsole reload reboot fwconsole ma downloadinstall versionupgrade fwconsole reload fwconsole versionupgrade --check fwconsole versionupgrade --upgrade fwconsole chown fwconsole reload reboot fwconsole ma upgradeall fwconsole chown fwconsole reload reboot
Some hints according postfix and mySQL
Add Domain:
inside sql:
insert into domains (domain) values ('newdomain.tld');
Add User:
doveadm pw -s SHA512-CRYPT
inside sql:
insert into accounts (username, domain, password, quota, enabled, sendonly) values ('username', 'domain.d', 'String from Doveadm pw', 2048, true, false);
Add Alias:
inside sql:
insert into aliases (source_username, source_domain, destination_username, destination_domain, enabled) values ('aliasname', 'domain.tdl', 'Target_User', 'domain.tld', true);
Refresh your dovecot with:
In case you want to see your last created AD User
Run PowerShell as Admin
$DateCutOff = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties whenCreated | where {$_.whenCreated -gt $DateCufOff} | FT Name, whenCreated